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Huck Pleve Charts
The following researchers have Pleve charts for the listed surnames.
You may contact the researcher directly to inquire about the available data.
Name of researcher(s)Chart Surnames
JB and Marlene (Sack) Coats Sack, Niederhaus, Hein
contact the AHSGR for this chartSchlegel
contact the AHSGR for this chartVolcker
Robert BensonBohl/Pohl, Storkel/Staerkel/Starkel/Sterkel
Gene JenkinsWeiss/Weis (includes Anna Catharina Bauman)
Elizabeth HaysFuchs, Jacoby, Schleuning/Schlening
Brent MaiSchneider
Ron KnappenEckert
contact the AHSGR for this chartLeichner, Luther
contact the AHSGR for this chartKrieger
contact the AHSGR for this chartSchlegel
If you have a Pleve chart and are willing to include it in this posting, contact Dennis Zitterkopf
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