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Rohleder (Raskaty), Russia

Rohleder (Raskaty), a German Catholic colony, was established on the "Wiesenseite"  or "meadow side" of the Volga River on the 14th of June 1766. The colony was founded by LeRoy and Picet. 

Colony Movement
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The church was made out of stone and was dedicated to the Mother of God.

  Church Photo
from the book
"Die Kirchen und das
Religiose Leben der
Katholischer Teil
by Joseph Schnurr


Ignatius Zacharewitsche, S.J.
March 1803 - 26 Sept. 1807

Joseph Caffasso, S.J.
28 Sept. 1807 - 11 Oct. 1808

Anton Postoll, S.J.
12 Oct. 1809 -1 Feb. 1810

Franziskus Cornet, S.J.
2 Feb. 1810 - Sept. 1820

Alexander Schad(t)urski
"many years as pastor"

Balthasar Kraft
1873? - 1877?

Jakob Dobrowolsky
1877 - 1879

Joseph Gutlein
1879 - 1898

Joseph Beilmann
1898 - 1902

Valentin Bochler
1902 - 1903

Georg Baier
June 1903 - 1911

Johannes Georg Sauer

Alexander Dornhof
1928 (1926? - 1929/30)

From the book
"Die Kirchen und das
Religiose Leben der
Katholischer Teil
by Joseph Schnurr

The Catholic Church building as it stood in 2009 as a community hall building.

A statue of Lenin in the town square.  Many of these busts were located on the town squares.  Photos taken byt Kevin Rupp from his trip to the colonies in Russia in 2009.

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Resarch Material Available for Rohleder
Records Available from Russian Archives

Census Books


Kulberg List

First Settlers List

1834 Census

1850 Census

1857 Census

Birth Records


Marriage Records



Death Records

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