2021 AHSGR Virtual Convention July 13 - 15, 2021 - Click HERE for more information
Between the years of 1764 - 1766 many German immigrants settled the steppes of the Russian Volga area. 104 colonies were established on both sides of the Volga River Bank.
Some 100 years later, German settlers along the Volga River elected five men to act as scouts to investigate land in Nebraska. Those pictured below are: Peter Leiker (Obermunjou), Peter Stecklein (Zug), Anton Wasinger (Schoenchen), Nicholas Schamne (Graf), and Jacob Ritter (Luzern). These five men left Obermunjou, Russia in 1874. They soon returned to Russia with a favorable report. Colonists would then leave the following year, 1875 and ultimately settling in Ellis County, Kansas.

American Historical Society of Germans From Russia (AHSGR)
Is an international organization dedicated to the discovery, collection, preservation, and the dissemination of information related to the history, cultural heritage, and genealogy of Germanic settlers in the Russian Empire and their descendants.
Hays, Kansas
Sunflower Chapter of AHSGR
This is the local Chapter of the American Historical Society of Germans From Russia.
Interested in knowing more about your heritage, come join us! Click on the Sunflower above to find out more!
I hope that thsi site will increase your interest of the Germans from Russia (Volga Germans) abd that you will find many sources of information to help you on your journey. If you have any questions please feel free to use the question box below ~ Kevin Rupp

To register click the link below.

Dr. Alexey Streltsov is a rector (president) of the Theological Seminary of Siberian Evangelical Lutheran Church in Novosibirsk, Russia. He is also one of the pastors in St Andrew’s parish of SELC, Novosibirsk. Dr Streltsov ministers ethnic Germans (among wider circles of the Lutheran Christians in Siberia and other parts of Russia and abroad) both in the church setting and by providing educational opportunities within the seminary and by way of special retreats and seminars. Holding initial University degree in Geophysics from the Novosibirsk State University (1994), AlexeyStreltsov went on to obtain MA (1999) and STM (2010) degrees from Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana, as well as PhD in the History of Philosophy from Tomsk State University, Russia. His interests include select New Testament studies, early Church and Patristics, Christology, and the 18th century Lutheran thinking (especially J. G. Hamann). Dr. Streltsov spoke at a number of Conferences throughout the years in various parts of the world.